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Personal Information
Candidate Name
Office Sought
When does filing period for this office close?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Party Affiliation
Preferred Mailing Address
Street Address
ZIP Code
Cell Phone
List all employers for the last 10 years
List all educational achievements/degrees
List all relevant employment-related achievements
How long have you lived and/or worked in Riverside County?
List all elected positions you have held or sought
Have you ever been accused of committing a crime?
If yes, briefly explain:
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
If yes, briefly explain:
General Campaign Background Information
Why have you chosen to seek this office?
List all other Law Enforcement and Labor Association endorsements that you have received thus far:
List all political, legal and community dignitaries who have endorsed your candidacy thus far:
Have you received any major financial contributions to your candidacy thus far?
If so, please list the sources of those contributions:
Are there individuals or organizations from whom you would not accept financial support during your candidacy for this office?
If so, who and why not?
Name of Individual or Organization
List the name of the campaign consultant(s) and/or individuals who will have a significant role in your campaign:
Have you or anyone listed above ever been investigated by the California Fair Political Practices Commission?
If so, what was the outcome?
Who are your currently declared opponents?
Please include your FPPC’s Statement of Economic Interest Form 700.
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Labor Issues
What is your position on Public Employee Labor Organizations raising and contributing PAC money to political campaigns?
Do you support the so-called ‘pension system reform’ for public employees which changes the current “defined benefit plan” to a privatized “defined contribution system”? Why or why not?
Do you support the act of imposing a contract on labor organizations that are negotiating in good faith?
When given the scenario of mandated budget reductions in public safety departments, would you favor layoffs or “Golden Handshakes”? Explain.
Public Safety/Policy Issues
What do you feel are the 3 most important issues facing law enforcement today?
What is your plan to address these issues?
What is your position on “realignment” and its effect on public safety and the judicial system?
What can you do, if elected, to mitigate any of the effects this legislation has had on public safety?
The “Three Strikes Laws” were recently changed requiring a defendant’s third strike to be serious or violent (with a few exceptions). What is your position on this new legislation relating to what can be used as a “third strike”?
Do you think California’s current death penalty system works? If not, what will you do to fix the system to make it more effective?
What role should victims of crime or their surviving family members play in the decisions this office makes relating to the outcome or disposition of a criminal prosecution?
Digitally Sign & Attest Your Completed Application
Briefly explain why you believe RCDDAA should endorse you over your opponent(s):
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Campaign Committee Name
Campaign ID Number